Welcome to SPACE, it's great to have you. When trainees and graduates join the practice, we realise that this might be the first time you have worked in an office environment.
We know everything will be new, and you are at the beginning of your career. We realise you will know little about the industry; however, what we ask of you is a willingness to learn and a positive attitude.
We take our commitment to your development seriously and aim to provide you with a broad range of experience we can. For those who are on a placement, we want you to leave us having learned lots.
We want you to grow your experience and confidence and, importantly, build a long-term career for those with us permanently.
You will find your fellow spacers are keen to help and share their knowledge. Make sure you listen and appreciate the time they are giving you.
There has never been a better time to join the architectural profession. Over the last decade, we have been through a digital transformation. The next decade will see us tackling the impact buildings have on the climate emergency.
Below are a few pointers for you to consider when working in an architectural studio
Always be on time, ideally early. 9 am is late, 8.55 am is on time
If you are late, make sure you apologise.
Don't clock-watch at the end of the day. Finish what you are doing before you leave.
In the morning, be at your desk early, with a coffee and ready to go!
Be polite and professional
Never ignore an email
Don't use your phone at your desk; use it for your music or business but not to check social media.
Talk to others how you would like to be talked to.
Always carry a notebook; write things down.
Ask once, ask twice, three is getting frustrating. (mistakes are ok, the same mistake is not)
Always check your work thoroughly.
Accuracy is more important than speed.
Respect and trust
Respect is not given; it is earned
Build respect and trust
Respect everyone and don't come across arrogant
Embrace any training offered.
CPD sessions are for your professional development, and they are therefore in your time
Thinking Thursday is our weekly commitment to your development.
The graduate programme is for you to learn the things you might not learn at university
We will provide you with formal Revit training to improve your skills
In the office
Don't eat at your desk.
Have breakfast before you arrive.
Dress appropriately for the meeting you are having. You would dress differently to meet the bank manager than you would when meeting a colleague.
Earphones are ok when you need to concentrate, but you will learn a lot when listening to what is going on around the office.
We are not a silent office, and we like teams to communicate. However, Don't chat for extended periods; you are disturbing others.
Don't come in hungover from the night before.
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