The Doddie Cup

On Friday, the 5th of May, the Doddie Cup, a charity golf tournament, took place at the stunning Close House Golf Course in Newcastle. Organised by SPACE Architects and TGA Consulting Engineering, the event was hosted in aid of The My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, which raises awareness and funds for research into Motor Neurone Disease. 

The My Name'5 Doddie Foundation was set up by former Scottish rugby player Doddie Weir who was diagnosed with MND in 2016. Doddie was one of rugby's most recognisable personalities. He represented the British and Irish Lions and won championships with his two club sides, Melrose and Newcastle Falcons.

The golfers arrived at Close House bright and early. The atmosphere was lively with anticipation as they gathered for breakfast and caught up with old friends, discussing their strategies for the tournament. Some players made sure to purchase their mulligan balloons (second chance shots for when a golfer has hit a poor tee shot), knowing that they might come in handy later on in the game. The suspense grew as they prepared to tee off, eager for a day filled with great golf, all for a great cause.

It was Architects vs Engineers, with both teams battling it out on the course. As the players battled it out on the course, tense excitement filled the clubhouse as live results showed that the competition was getting close. With everything still to play for, the energy was high and the anticipation palpable.

Fortunately, the golfers were able to avoid the rain as it held off throughout the rounds. After a successful game, everyone returned to the clubhouse for the charity auction and announcement of the results. 

This year SPACE Architects came out on top, but most importantly, several thousand pounds were raised for an incredible cause.

Everyone at SPACE and TGA are proud to have hosted the event. They are grateful to everyone who participated and helped make it a success, with several thousand pounds raised for an incredible cause. Both organisations are committed to continuing their support for The My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, intending to raise even more awareness and funds in the future. 

We look forward to next year's rematch!
