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    SPACE Architects Jade Atkins and CEO Rob Charlton Discuss The Architect's Role During the Climate Crisis

    SPACE Architects Jade Atkins and CEO Rob Charlton Discuss The Architect's Role During the Climate Crisis

    Recently, SPACE Architects welcomed Jade Atkins to the team. Despite Jade's busy schedule as a Part One, she also hosts her own podcast called Archipod.

    In each episode, Jade's passion for architecture shines through as she discusses industry topics, recent news, and notable experiences with various guest speakers. Jade has successfully created a series of easy-to-listen podcasts filled with engaging content that is sure to keep the listeners hooked.

    In the most recent episode, episode 12, Jade speaks to Rob Charlton, our very own CEO, about the role of architects during the climate crisis.

    The episode's description reads, "Archipod is back! In this episode, I am joined by Rob Charlton. Rob shows great passion and positivity toward fighting climate change, and today, we discuss how we, as architects, can help reduce the carbon footprint in the construction and occupation of buildings. Climate change is not new to anyone, and it's really easy to feel helpless, but we, as the new generation of architects, have a role to play in combatting climate change and to quote Rob, "Challenges are opportunities."

    The episode is informative and inspiring as Rob Charlton talks about the positive impact that architects can have on the environment and how they can make a difference. 

    Episode 12 is a must-listen and can be accessed via Spotify, Google and Apple podcasts.

    We look forward to hearing more from Jade and her future guests and are thrilled to have her as a member of the SPACE team. 
