Catherine Sinclair's Key Takeaways from EC3 2024 in Crete

SPACE Architect Catherine Sinclair attended and presented at this year's 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). 

This year’s conference, held in Crete, surpassed the organiser's expectations, drawing 169 participants from 30 countries and featuring 125 accepted papers. The scale and engagement at EC3 2024 highlight the significant growth of their community since 2019.

The beautiful setting of Crete provided a stunning backdrop for the conference, making it an unforgettable experience. Catherine explained it was wonderful to have so many intellects from diverse countries come together to foster a vibrant exchange of ideas and innovations in the field of computing in construction.

Catherine, SPACE's KTP Associate specialising in Zero Carbon presented her paper on the integration of early-stage life cycle analysis into architectural practice through an IT-supported process. Her research, developed as part of the Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnerships with SPACE Architects and Northumbria University, showcases visionary approaches to incorporating sustainability into architectural design from the outset.

Reflecting on her experience, Catherine shared,"It’s been a great experience and opportunity to attend and present my paper at the EC3 conference alongside Dr. Kay Rogage and Zaid Alwan. The conference was filled with so much innovation and new research. I’m looking forward to progressing my project with the new ideas and knowledge gained from this experience."

The team at SPACE congratulate Catherine on her successful presentation and are excited to learn more about her time at the conference and see how her insights and advancements will influence future projects. The knowledge and connections gained from EC3 2024 promise to enhance our commitment to sustainable and innovative architectural solutions.

Stay tuned for more updates on Catherine's project and other exciting developments from SPACE Architects as we continue to drive the integration of cutting-edge research and practical application in architectural practice.
